Season 2

Episode Guide

Omega 707

S2 E1
Jun 11, 2013
Omega 707, an aerial tanker that refuels fighter jets as they're in flight, takes part on a critical three-day U.S. Navy and Marine Corps exercise.

P-3 Orion

S2 E2
Jan 12, 2014
Hurricane hunter P-3 Orion flies into the eye of tempests, collecting the necessary data to predict a storm's strength and path, and ultimately save lives.

Trump 757

S2 E3
Jan 19, 2023
An inside look at the supersized private jet, featuring gold seatbelts, a gourmet kitchen, a master bedroom, a shower, and one demanding owner.

C-17 Globemaster III

S2 E4
Jun 8, 2012
Two grueling U.S. Air Force missions, one in Alaska and the other in Hawaii, put two C-17 Globemaster III cargo ships to the test.

Sofia 747SP

S2 E5
Jun 15, 2012
NASA's SOFIA is the world's largest flying space observatory, a converted 747 that offers scientists a look at space that no earthbound space telescope can provide.

Blue Angels

S2 E6
Jun 15, 2012
A behind-the-scenes look at the legendary Blue Angels, and what it takes to get its team of pilots, maintenance crews, and F/A-18 Hornets ready for each air show.